Feel The Moment Stock Audio

Audio ID: #1251857
Title: Feel the Moment
Artist: Martin Riopel
Description: Bright and building, in the style of U2, featuring pulsing electric guitar, smooth synth textures and driving Rock drums that create a triumphant and confident mood.
Tempo: 132 BMP
Instruments: Electric guitar, Drums, Synthesizer, Strings, Tambourine, Piano, Percussion, Glockenspiel, Bass
Moods: Uplifting, Optimistic, Confident, Inspiring, Happy, Fun, Playful, Bright

Keywords: expansive, neutral tone, lush, lively, soaring, dance, upbeat, energetic, joyful, inspirational, building, triumph, motivational, enthusiastic, bright, good-times, playful, feel-good, empowerment, youth, sunshine, uplifting, dreams, teen, fun

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